Following extensive pre-application discussions, a full planning application has now been submitted to Birmingham City Council for the following description of development:
“The partial demolition, extensive internal and external refurbishment including construction of a new façade, and extension of the extant Colmore Gate building to create; a 26-storey tower, comprising 24-storeys of office space (Use Class E), single storey roof plant, and 2-storey roof plant screen; a 10-storey shoulder, comprising office space, external rooftop landscaped amenity space and pavilion; and the retention of commercial uses (Use Class E), the closure and diversion of the existing pedestrian arcade and provision of public realm and landscape works at ground floor level”
The planning application is in the process of being registered and validated by Birmingham City Council, and once this is complete, the full package of application documents will be available to view on the Council’s website. The statutory consultation period will then commence, and comments and representations can be made directly to the Council regarding the planning application proposals.