Key Scheme Benefits
Future ready
A rebranded, best in class sustainable, efficient and future ready building with high-quality Grade A workspaces.
A next generation building supporting local and regional business growth and investment in the city centre.
Economic benefits including the retention / creation of direct FTE jobs and economic output
Sensitive to its context
Upgrading the external appearance of the existing building, sensitive to its wider context, in particular the Colmore Row and Environs Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings.
Re-activation of the Ground Floor public realm, enlivening the street scene and making safe and attractive connections for pedestrians.
Wellness & sustainability
Providing attractive communal and private roof garden spaces to increase biodiversity in the city centre, a key planning objective.
Encouraging active forms of travel such as cycling.
Innovative design to minimise energy use and optimise embodied carbon to create a low/zero carbon building fully aligned with current and emerging planning policy requirements.
Summary of Scheme Benefits
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